Charlotte Henry is the marketer of the month in CominMag

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Victoria Marchand interviewed her.

m3 REAL ESTATE innovates by publishing a magazine. The former public company CGi IMMOBILIER, bought by Abdallah Chatila, has never ceased since its rebranding to innovate in its communication. After Lunettes 360, here is the new marketing tool of the group that specializes in Genevan real estate. Charlotte Henry, m3’s Marketing and Communications Manager, explains why.

m3 REAL ESTATE launched FLAT on 8 November last year. Can you tell us about this title?

It is not a catalogue of our property portfolio but rather a magazine devoted to design and interior decoration. It deals with all facets of the home: from planning ideas and encounters with designers and real estate experts, to visits to apartments and houses in the regions’ top areas. The editorial concept aims at enabling the Swiss public to find inspiration to decorate their private as well as professional environments, and of course it offers analyses from real estate experts.

